Living in Anticipation: Embracing Hope and Purpose for Jesus’ Return

“So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded.”
— 1 Thessalonians 5:6 (NLT)


The promise of Jesus’ return is one of the most hope-filled and transformative beliefs in Christianity. Yet, many believers find themselves either paralyzed by fear of the unknown or lulled into complacency. Living in the light of His return isn’t about speculating dates or fearing calamities; it’s about allowing this truth to infuse every moment with purpose, hope, and a renewed sense of mission. Let’s explore what it means to live with anticipation, hope, and clarity as we look forward to Christ’s return.

The Uncertainty of the “When”

Jesus’ return is shrouded in mystery. As He shared, “No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows” (Matthew 24:36, NLT). This deliberate uncertainty encourages believers to live each day ready and expectant, not fixated on “when” but on how we’re living. Paul echoes this in 1 Thessalonians, likening Christ’s return to a “thief in the night”—sudden and unexpected.

How Can We Live in Light of Christ’s Return?

1. Live with Hope

Paul urges us to “stay alert and be clearheaded” (1 Thessalonians 5:6, NLT). This isn’t a call to fear but to hopeful anticipation. As Jesus promised, “There is more than enough room in my Father’s home… I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am” (John 14:2-3, NLT). When we live with hope, we replace fear with the expectation of the good God has promised.

Reflective Question: How does the hope of Jesus’ return shape your view of life’s challenges?

2. Live with Purpose

Living in the light of Christ’s return means that every action, every decision, and every relationship has a higher purpose. Jesus Himself modeled this purposeful living, focused on the “Father’s business”—a mission of redemption and liberation (Luke 4:18-19). He called us to carry forward His mission: to bring good news to the oppressed, to free those in captivity, and to extend God’s love to the world. As we do, we bring His Kingdom to earth and align our lives with His heart.

Reflective Question: What mission has God uniquely placed in your heart? How are you pursuing it?

3. Live with Preparedness

Living with anticipation involves a sense of preparation and readiness, similar to Jesus’ parable of the ten bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13). Five of the bridesmaids lived with the expectation that their bridegroom would come, and they were prepared. For us, this means living with open hands—loosely holding on to the temporal things of this world and firmly clinging to Jesus.

Reflective Exercise: If you knew Jesus would return soon, what practical changes would you make? What would you let go of, and what would you prioritize?

4. Engage in the Work of Encouragement

Paul calls us to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NLT). In a world rife with cynicism, despair, and division, encouragement is a rare and powerful gift. As we eagerly anticipate Christ’s return, we strengthen one another, offering words of life and hope to those around us. This is living with an awareness of eternity, knowing that every kind word, act of service, and loving sacrifice echoes into eternity.

Reflective Question: Who can you encourage this week, and how can you make an impact in their life?

Why Fear Should Not Define Our Perspective on the End Times

A fascination with predicting Jesus’ return date often leads people astray. Many have built entire careers around frightening people with end-times predictions. However, Scripture is clear that our response should not be one of fear but of faith. Jesus provided signs—wars, natural disasters, persecution, and false prophets—not to frighten but to prepare us to be wise and discerning. When He returns, “every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7, NLT). No confusion will surround His coming.

Embracing a Traveler’s Mindset

To live in the light of Jesus’ return is to live as a traveler. We are, as Peter describes, “temporary residents and foreigners” (1 Peter 2:11, NLT). This world is not our permanent home, and because of this, we are called to hold onto earthly things loosely while clinging tightly to Jesus.

Reflective Exercise: Imagine yourself as a traveler or a pilgrim. What would you pack lightly, and what would you prioritize?

Faith in the Midst of Waiting

Jesus’ ultimate concern about His return is not about earthly turmoil but about our faith. In Luke 18:8, He asked, “When the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?” For Christ, the true challenge of the end times isn’t the external events we fear but the internal struggle to hold on to faith amid chaos, doubt, and distraction.

Discussion Starter: What are the challenges that threaten faith today? How can we stand firm in faith together?


Living in light of Jesus’ return is an invitation to joyful anticipation, purposeful mission, and enduring hope. Jesus’ return isn’t something to dread but a promise that fuels our lives with meaning, shaping our choices, values, and relationships. Every day becomes an opportunity to prepare, encourage, and pursue God’s heart. So let’s live alert, empowered by the hope that Christ is indeed coming soon—and let’s encourage others to find strength and joy in this promise.

Closing Thought:
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42, NLT).

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