Pastors seeking to supplement their income can leverage their deep understanding of biblical principles and teaching experience by creating online courses. This digital path not only offers financial benefits but also allows pastors to extend their reach beyond the walls of their local church, impacting lives globally.

What Is an Online Course?

An online course is a structured educational experience delivered entirely through digital platforms. As Amy Porterfield, a recognized expert in online course creation, explains, “An online course is a series of lessons on a particular subject or skill delivered through videos, written materials, and other digital resources. It’s designed to take students from point A to point B in their learning journey, all at their own pace and from the comfort of their own home.”

Typical online courses often include:

  • Video lessons
  • Downloadable resources
  • Quizzes or assessments
  • Community forums or discussion boards
  • Certificates of completion

Why Online Courses Are Ideal for Pastors

Pastors are in a unique position to create impactful online courses because of their:

  • Deep Biblical Knowledge: Extensive understanding of scripture and theology provides a solid foundation for course content.
  • Experience in Teaching: Pastors regularly preach and teach, equipping them to deliver engaging lessons.
  • Spiritual Guidance: Their ability to guide people through personal and spiritual development makes for compelling course topics.
  • Inspiring Communication: Pastors naturally connect with others, motivating students to apply what they learn.

Steps to Create an Online Course

  1. Choose Your Topic
    Select a subject you’re passionate about and well-versed in. Biblical studies, leadership, spiritual growth, and counseling are all potential topics.
  2. Define Your Ideal Student
    Identify who would benefit the most from your course. Understanding your audience helps you craft tailored content and marketing messages.
  3. Outline Your Course
    Break your subject into manageable lessons or modules. Amy Porterfield recommends starting with a “course skeleton” to organize your ideas clearly.
  4. Create Engaging Content
    Develop materials like video lessons, worksheets, and quizzes. Remember Amy’s advice: “Done is better than perfect.” Focus on progress, not perfection.
  5. Choose a Platform
    Select a hosting platform like Teachable, Thinkific, or Kajabi to distribute your course content effectively.
  6. Price Your Course
    When setting the price, consider your target audience and the value your course provides. Start with an affordable rate for your first course, increasing it as you gather feedback and experience.
  7. Market Your Course
    Promote your course via your church networks, social media, and email marketing. Building an email list is crucial for effective course promotion.

Ideas for Pastor-Created Online Courses

Here are some course ideas that could resonate with your audience:

  • “Understanding the Bible: A Comprehensive Study Guide”
  • “Spiritual Leadership in the Modern World”
  • “Effective Prayer Techniques for Everyday Life”
  • “Navigating Life’s Challenges: A Faith-Based Approach”
  • “Building a Strong Church Community”

Benefits of Creating Online Courses

Creating online courses offers numerous benefits for pastors:

  • Passive Income: Once your course is live, it can generate income without the need for constant active involvement.
  • Expanded Reach: Share your message with people outside your immediate community.
  • Flexibility: Manage your course creation and updates on your own schedule.
  • Personal Growth: The process of building a course deepens your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Credibility: Establish yourself as a thought leader in your area of expertise.


Creating an online course is a powerful way for pastors to supplement their income while expanding their ministry. As Amy Porterfield often says, “Your course has the power to change someone’s life.” By taking action with the right strategy, pastors can create valuable courses that not only generate income but also extend their spiritual influence to a broader audience.

The journey starts small—focus on providing value and improving over time. With dedication and thoughtful planning, online courses can become a meaningful and rewarding part of both your ministry and your financial goals.