There are people in every church who want to be involved. They want to help! Why not let them serve? The challenge is finding the right spot/ministry for them. In my experience I discovered that making an announcement is never very efficient. Going to that brother or sister and personally asking them to consider serving in a certain capacity is very powerful.
Every time I needed volunteers for the youth ministry of the worship team, I asked the Lord to show me the people in our church who have the abilities to minister in a certain capacity. You would be amazed at the results.
People feel good when approached at a personal level. Sometimes they don’t think they can do the job or they may not feel spiritual enough. However, I ask them to think about it, talk to their spouse about it and certainly pray about it.
Those who accept to get involved are so excited about the opportunity that it gets contagious. I have seen some of them come with fresh and amazing ideas. By watching them you know they found their sweet spot in the church.
One day I asked a teenage girl who had musical talent to join the praise team for the big church. Who me, she asked? She didn’t think she could do it. Long story short, she got involved and started helping lead the church in worship every Sunday. The praise team members embraced her and accepted her. She loved it and ended up doing a fantastic job.