You Have A Lot Of Potential

“You have a lot of potential.” Have you ever heard these words? Teachers and coaches use these words quite often. They use these words to challenge the students to stop being mediocre and become all they can be.

As Jesus was getting ready to go on a journey, a young man ran up to Him to ask Him one of the most significant questions a man could ask. “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17) The spiritual landscape at the time the question was asked was dominated by the Law which was full of requirements that must be met. Hence the question, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

Keeping the Law was good – still is. Jesus recognized the importance of keeping the commandments. In fact Jesus felt love for the young man when He learned that this young ruler kept the commandments from his youth up.

Christ saw the potential in this young man and He got excited. He even got a little emotional (felt love) thinking about the possibility of this young man becoming His disciple. Having potential though is never enough. The young man did not have what it took to let go of his earthly possessions and become all he could have been at the feet of Messiah.

The man had inherited earthly wealth, and he genuinely wanted to inherit eternal life. However, though he had great potential, he stumbled over his material possessions, and because of that he will never be known as one of Christ’s disciples. He will never be mentioned by name in the Bible. He will never have the honor the rest of the disciples will get in heaven. What a tragedy and waste to get stuck in between what is and what could have been.

You and I have the potential to be all God has intended for us to be. This young man stumbled over his earthly inheritance /riches. The love of money trips many of us, holding us from becoming 100% committed.